Easy Strength Gains For New Lifters

Most people don’t know where to start with their training. They fall into the trap of having to do bodypart splits because thats what the muscle magazines and the majority of people in globo gyms are following…

But for new lifters there’s many better ways to simply maximise the results they’re after.

Jacob takes us through the basis of a simple, effective program for new lifters.

Here’s the formula…

Two to three days per week of strength training. Alternating between Squat dominant and Hinge dominant sessions

1: Warmup

For stiffer and tighter people begin with some foam rolling or release based work on tight areas often quads,  back, glutes, chest and lats can be problem areas. More flexible or lax people can skip this step as they need more focus on activation.

Then move on to activation through midline, lateral hip and scapula. Some of our favourite movements for them are; deadbugs or hollow body holds, crab walks or banded squats and controlled push up variations, half kneeling kettlebell presses or face pulls.

2: Main Lift Series

Pick either a squat or deadlift variation and pair it with an upper body movement of the opposite pattern; so a squat movement would be paired with an upper body pull like a lat pull down or single arm row, a deadlift would be paired with a press like a bench press or shoulder press.

Start with 3-5 sets of 10 reps. Start light and add a small amount of weight each week (2.5-5kg), then when you can no longer add any more weight and still complete the reps reset the weights by 5-10kg and move to 3-5 sets of 8. Follow the same pattern to sets of 5 and then sets of 3 before either resetting to 10 with either the same movement or a different variation within the same pattern like changing from back squats to front squats.

3: Assistance Series

Pick the opposite pattern to your main lower body lift and choose a movement there. So if you had deadlifts first, we would do a quad dominant pattern, it’s also a great idea to include some unilateral work here like lunges, step ups or single leg deadlifts. Then pair that movement with an upper body movement of the opposite pattern eg. if you had bench press first with the deadlifts than you could do a row or pullup variation here.

Use 3-4 sets of 6-12 reps here and either focus on adding weight when you can do all sets at the top of that rep range or if you start at the top then follow a similar structure to the main lift series dropping reps as you add weight to the lift.

These movements can be changed every 3-8 weeks depending on how much variety you feel you need to stay mentally stimulated or when you can no longer progress the movement.

4: Conditioning or Accessory Work

Here’s your choice.

Like hitting some arms to get a great pump?

Awesome here’s your shot.

Prefer focusing on that core strength, go for it.

Or if you’re a real sicko (I say that because conditioning is not my friend haha) you can do your hard conditioning here.

Given this is the end of the session feel free to have more variety here to keep you entertained.

You’ve already put in the hard yards with the smart work at the start.

Get Lifting

Here’s a great start for you to get going with your training. But if you’re after something a little more check out MELP on our home page that you can download for FREE.