How Could I Be Wrong?

A few months back I attended a seminar with Logan Gelbrich. Logan is the owner of Deuce Gym in Venice Beach, California. He’s also an expert in leadership, development and culture.

But one of the biggest takeaways I was left with from Logan was the idea of being open to disconfirming beliefs.

Or simply put asking the question…

“How can I be wrong about this?”

Today was one of those days for me and in particular training the Atlas Stones.

Since I first started using stones I’ve had lots of highs and lows. Some days it clicks, others it hasn’t.

Today I wasn’t feeling confident on the stones. I’d been using the technique I had previously had the most success with in the past.

I sat back and asked myself

‘Could I be wrong with how I’m approaching this’

I played around with changing technique to a more leg dominant rather than hip dominant technique.

Instantly I felt better in the adapted method and my confidence was restored.

But the main idea here is being willing to test whether your idea of what is correct is actually the case.

Had I not been willing to test whether I was wrong, I wouldn’t have made the improvement I was able to make.

Be ok with being wrong, test yourself with other ways and see if in fact you were right in the first place.