How Should You Train For Fat Loss – The Newstrength Way Ep. 12


If you ask 10 trainers the best way to train to lose fat you’re probably getting ten different answers…

Everyone will agree on the need to be in a caloric deficit however you get there but should you focus on strength training or cardio?

Should you do high intensity interval training or low intensity cardio?

Even the ‘it depends’ answer can be frustrating at times as it doesn’t give you something actionable to take on after the conversation.

Check out our episode of the Newstrength Way for a more in depth view but if you simply want a quick summary here’s how we look at it.

If you’ve only got 3 hours or less to train per week priority # 1 should be Metabolic Strength Training (high volume strength training with compound movements and limited rest periods)

If you’ve got 3-5 hours per week then add in some high intensity interval training on top of your strength training, 1-2 Sessions of 30-45 minutes will do the trick.

If you’ve got more time than this and you can still recover appropriately adding some low intensity cardio can be a great low stress way of helping burn more calories.

The important thing to remember is the bigger calorie deficit you are in, the more limited your recovery will be. This is why most bodybuilders or physique competitors will prioritise low intensity cardio as they get leaner and closer to competitions since their recovery and maintaining muscle takes precedence over fitness.

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