Letting Go

Rock climbing has got to be one of the most impressive sports and activities out there.

It’s scary enough to do in the indoor gyms that have padded flooring and big crash mats for when things go bad, I couldn’t imagine what it would be like out there free climbing with the only thing holding you back between certain injury is how tight you can grip onto the rocks.

If you’ve been before you know the feeling I’m talking about

Holding on by the edge of your fingers..

Feeling like if you let go of one hand your body is bound to fall back down to the ground.

Even when there’s those big crash mats it’s still scary as hell

But once you’re there at some point you realise the only way to move further is to let go and reach for the next handle.

You have to let go of the safety of where you are right now to help you get to where you want to go.

I think that’s a good analogy for life…

I remember leaving my past job to start Newstrength. The people I worked with were great, I had a lot of strong fulfilling relationships with clients and I had a weekly salary..

There was plenty of reasons to stay in the safety of where I was…

But I always knew it wasn’t where I wanted to be long term. To get there I had to let go of all those things and reach out across that scary gap to get my next stable grip.

Just like climbing, often when you make that decision to let go and take the risk..

It’s never as bad as you thought.

So whether it’s starting up at the gym, giving up on the beers or even quitting a safe job to pursue what you want..

It has to start with being willing to let go of where you are right now…