Making It Happen

Four forty rolls around way too quickly every morning..

That alarm goes off, I swear somebody must have changed the alarm while I was sleeping.

There’s no damn way it’s already time to get up and go to work.

After a few moments of despising my Iphone the gears shift and I get myself out of bed.

My mindset shifts from ‘why the hell do I need to be up right now’, to a much more pleasant ‘if I’m quick I can get myself a coffee on the way to work’..

Thank you Zarraffa’s Coffee for being open at 5am.. Game changer

The smooth taste of my delicious iced latte tells me today’s gonna be a good day or at the very least not like my cranky, tired lying in bed self thought 30 minutes earlier.

By the end of the day I know waking up early was all worth while to get to work with the people we see daily at Newstrength. As much as my tired self wants to sleep in, my post coffee self wants to empower and guide people in becoming their strongest self a much more worthy goal.

I’m sure plenty of people can relate to this…

Waking up wishing you could go back to bed but instead dragging yourself to work, or even the gym.

If that’s you thinking now how much you wish you could be more of a morning person and get to the gym early but your tired self is never on your side this post is for you…

Here’s the reality

When it’s work no matter how much you love or hate your job you make it happen


Because your scared of not having an income to keep a roof over your head, to buy stuff you like, or like me pay for my humongous caffeine addiction..

The pain of being tired far exceeds the pain of being broke

So you get up and make it happen

Now let’s look at this the same way with turning up to the gym in the morning…

What happens there?

On day one, not so much. You still look the same as you did the day before, your fitness hasn’t dropped away at all.

Not much downside, right?

That right there is why you find it harder to get up rather than stay in bed.

Let’s try something now…

Say you don’t get up out of bed for the gym in the morning for the next 2 years, what happens then?

Yep if you’re like me and love food you probably went to the same point as I did. Being 15-20kg bigger than where you are right now maybe even more, your fitness is non existent and those fun activities you enjoy like mountain biking, indoor rock climbing or even team sports is just out of the question because you’re not who you were two years ago.

If that strikes a chord with you like it does with me I’m guessing the downside is much higher than before. Maybe now even more painful than the idea of getting out of bed?

For me it is…

This is how you make it happen…

By realising that the cost of not taking action greatly exceed the cost of taking action.