Never Peak.. Your Best Is Yet To Come

“Do you remember when…”

A former stud athlete says to his mates as they sit back downing beers at the local pub…

Another old footy story comes out once again… These stories often come with more than just bringing up the emotions of the last minute win in the grand final or that huge solo effort to score a try.

They bring up the feelings of how life used to be, when you felt lean, strong, athletic not to mention the mindset that comes with that. The self belief that you could do anything, you were unstoppable, destined for greatness.

Right there is where those memories start to hurt… the point when you realise that person in those memories just isn’t you anymore.

This is a huge part of the reason why so many professional athletes have mental health issues as they leave the game. They believe they’ve reached their peak and it’s all downhill to getting old from there.

But what if I was to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way?

You don’t have to concede you’ve already peaked once your sporting days are done. In fact often you’re not even close to hitting your peak if you’re willing to put in the work.

Even if you’re long past those days now and you’re not in the shape you used to be in… You’ve still got time, you have the opportunity to get back to where you were and surpass it.

So how do you do it?

Making the PIVOT!

Once you’ve reached as far as you can go in one avenue it’s about looking from your new position and seeing where you can go now…

Because even though you can still improve, the time and effort to see dramatic improvement in an area of life once you’re already in that top percentage becomes harder and harder.

I’ve said for a couple years now that once I deadlift 300kg that I’ll hang up the belt and move on to focusing on something else, that doesn’t mean that I’ll become an ultra marathon runner but rather I’ll pivot my strength towards a different focus.

This doesn’t even need to be in just fitness either, it’s ok to pivot from being the best athlete to being the best parent or coach, business owner or hell even the best drone racer (yes this is a real thing) you can be.

The only important thing that matters is you don’t completely give up your health for whatever it is…

Why is that important?

Because no matter what you pivot to as your main goal being in charge of your own health sets you up to succeed in everything else in life.

That doesn’t mean you need a six pack and seventeen veins popping out of your biceps year round… just that you don’t end up having to give up everything else to restore your health later on…

Wherever you’re at right now… as long as you believe it, you haven’t peaked yet

Your best is yet to come…