Taking The First Step

Taking the first step is hard… Often it’s physically easy but mentally and emotionally it’s harder than most people give it credit for.

Why is it though that the first step could be something that is both the easiest and the hardest?

Because before that first step there is no failure, if you decide to not follow through nobody else except you knows about it.

The goal, the adventure, the movement remains a thought. One thing that we know about thoughts is we all have crazy thoughts. So we can blow it off as one of those crazy thoughts that go through our head, go back and live the rest of our lives and not worry about it again.

But, what if you took the chance?

Took that first step, making it all real. Exposed yourself to the risk of failure, what happens then?

The feeling of butterflies in your stomach, remember that… It tells you how bad you want it.

Once that subsides you’ll realise it’s not too bad where you are right now..

The nerves, the discomfort, it all comes and goes if you sit back and watch it without letting it control you.

Before you know it you’re well on your way towards the goal. The journey may have only just begun but that in itself is the most powerful thing you can do…


Sure there’s no pain of failure if you don’t ever start, but it doesn’t take much to realise it’s only replaced with the pain of regret.

If you’ve gotten this far I want to thank you, for this is me taking the first step myself right here.

Committing to producing an article everyday.. I’m not new to writing but the idea of having something fresh to write about everyday is scary for me. But if I’ve learnt anything from the past 12 years of training, it’s committing to taking action everyday towards your goals that has the greatest positive impact.

We constantly talk about it here at Newstrength, those who make the greatest changes in their lives are those who focus on showing up and taking action rather than thinking or even talking about it.

So I’d like to invite you to join me here, take the first step and make a daily commitment to yourself, no matter how big or small.

Don’t be scared of failure, you’ll be the only one who remembers it if you do anyway. I’m sure at some point I’ll fail too but I’ve failed plenty of things before, I’m still here now and doing fine now.

What’s the worst possible thing that could happen if I fail this time?

It won’t be too bad…

So I’m going to leave you with a few words that stood out to me from a mentor of mine Drew Slater and became my daily mantra for some time after…

Show Up, Start Again, Make It Happen