What Are You Willing To Give Up?

Two years ago I went to a business workshop in Sydney with Drew Slater, a guy who at the time I hadn’t yet realised but would have a huge impact on the trajectory of my life…

At this time I was working for another Personal Training company, making reasonable money and getting plenty of time to train and enjoy life outside of work. Yet something about it didn’t feel right.

The company just wasn’t me, even though I could play the role I needed to do the job well and help my clients. I felt there was something more..

That I could have a greater impact, help people grow into becoming their strongest self both inside and outside of the gym.

Right there was the stuff that lit my soul on fire and I knew that there was the possibility that I could do that for a living. I just didn’t know what it took to get there.

There I was sitting in a room full of business owners, the only person there who was an employee of someone else. I felt left out to start with, felt like I didn’t belong. But as the weekend rolled on I knew I belonged in that room.

As the weekend finished I spoke with Drew briefly about what it would take to learn more about how they help people open and build their gyms. He told me about their Ethos Mastermind, a program specifically for leading gym owner to help develop and scale their business. Then he told me the thing that would make my heart sink…

The price

It was way out of my price range, so I spent the drive home thinking on it, figuring out what else I could do. How I could save on expenses so I could get the help I needed to start Newstrength.

In the end after having a conversation with Jess my partner she told me to just go for it, we would figure out the money situation later.

Not being one to go in blindly, I crunched the numbers. After paying to keep the roof over our heads and joining the mastermind I was left with around $50 per week to live off.

Yes that’s right just $50 for food, fuel, fun and anything else I had to pay for in the meantime.

Nevertheless, I knew that if the cost of getting to where we wanted to be was to be poor for a while then I was ok with it…

Some weeks it hurt alot, getting to Sunday night and not knowing how I was going to afford food.

The crazy thing though that I never thought would come from that time though was how much I kinda miss that stressed time.

Giving up on so much that I was used to in exchange for this big thing that I wanted more than ever.

Maybe it’s easy for me to say now because it paid off in the end.

Maybe I’m a bit of a weirdo… well that’s not a maybe

The lesson here is you’re going to have to give up on some things to get to where you want to in life.

Sometimes it might even stress you out… To put you in a financially hard position, to put you in a position where you’re tired all the time, where you just wish you could have to not try for a week.

But once it pays off you’ll know it was all the more worthwhile. You just have to trust that it will pay off so long as you’re willing to give up some things in the meantime.