Where Are We Going From Here?

What’s the next step?

Is this session leading somewhere?

Training, life and business is all about having a good plan and being able to execute on that while being able to change on the fly when you have new information

But what happens when you don’t have a plan in place first?

One of the biggest problems we see is coaches not having a plan for their clients past making something hard on the day. That’s not good enough if you ask us.

The only thing worse is that the client doesn’t know what the process is either. So at the end of that you have a coach that doesn’t have a plan and either does the client.

A recipe for disaster.

We believe the fitness industry needs to stand up and have a plan and some purpose behind it not simply just train more when this stops working.

Have you asked yourself or your coach “Where are we going from here?”

If you haven’t yet, make sure to subscribe to the podcast on Itunes to get each episode as soon as they become available.