3 Life Lessons We Learnt In Newstrength’s First Year

Last week we spoke about the training lessons we learnt in the past year of starting Newstrength. If you missed that, make sure to check it out here.


This week I wanted to round out our 1st birthday celebrations with talking about the life lessons we took from our past year.


I’m very comfortable in saying that the two guys who set out to open the doors of Newstrength are both very different now than at the beginning of that journey. There’s been a lot of growth, probably more accurately growing up haha.


With growing up comes wisdom, or at least I’d like to pretend that’s been the case. But in all seriousness the last year is looked back upon with gratitude for what we’ve been able to achieve and the people we’ve had the pleasure of sharing it with.


So onto the lessons of Newstrength’s first year.


Be Value First, Always

I believe people spend too much time trying to take value from others. You can see it through your whole facebook feed.


Get this nutrition plan half price today, come do our 28 day challenge, it’s always something new but it always comes from a place of taking value from others. Even amongst friends, there’s often plenty of people who only want to do things on their terms and not willing to compromise with the other.


It’s honestly really sad to see that’s how people interact with one another. When we were deciding how we wanted to market Newstrength we knew we didn’t want to get involved in that space.


We decided our goal was to go out of our way to create more high quality content than any other facility around and focus on giving value first rather than asking people to buy our stuff constantly.


As a result over time we had more and more people contacting us directly asking to work with us. Then when we did put out offers for challenges, people often told us they had been thinking about joining our gym because of all the awesome stuff they had already seen from us.


This not only became the way we’ve looked to market the business but it also fit in really well with what we believe in. If you come at every situation with how you can help the other person it will help pay off in the long run for yourself.


You Have To Balance The Push And Pull

This is one of those lessons you will see in nearly every strength and conditioning presentation but we’re not talking about exercise here.


Everyone talks about embracing the hustle and the grind to achieve success but here’s the reality…


When you actually push yourself all the time, you know what can happen?


You reach burnout. That’s when even the things you love become an effort to do… One of the key things we’ve learnt the last year is trying to find the balance between pushing yourself in your career, in your training and life in general with being able to have a relaxed few days every now and then. Enjoy a burger and beer or two and letting yourself be still sometimes.


It’s not that you shouldn’t try to work harder, it’s that if you already are, then harder again isn’t the solution.


Much like training needs a deload to allow for the supercompensation. If you want to push yourself to reach success sometimes you need to give yourself small breaks to help you keep pushing the envelope.


It’s Not What You Do, It’s Who You Do It With

Leading in to our last lesson and this one has stuck with me. I’m not sure who exactly the quote came from but since then it’s been one of the key beliefs in my approach to life in general.


Most trainers and coaches don’t stay in the game long enough to make the impact they wanted to have when they get into it. Along with not understanding being taught the business side of things, something we have the Alchemy Institute to thank for helping us out, I believe one of the big reasons most trainers burn out and leave the industry is that they aren’t serving the people they truly want to.


This sticks out to me more and more every day when we have such amazing people come and train with us.


I don’t get that excited about teaching people how to squat and deadlift to help them reach their goals.


I get more excited because of who those people are that we attract to our tribe.


It’s the people we get to share our life experiences that truly make them special.


The Next Chapter Is Only Just Beginning

That’s it for our lessons from our first year in business.


I’m excited for the learning process we’re embarking on now during our second year.


All we really know is that we will be joined by a bunch of amazing people and we will learn even more lessons by this time next year


Stay tuned..