3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Join A Gym…

Gym’s aren’t for everybody… I get that

As much as they should be and on the gym’s side of things they are always trying to become more welcoming

There’s plenty of people out there that will never step foot in a gym

Some people have their own good reasons

Unfortunately a lot of people’s reasons they give themselves or to others aren’t really true

We thought today we would cover some of the reasons why people shouldn’t join a gym… Plus maybe offer another alternative to why they should actually join.


I don’t have TIME

Time is possibly the most common reason we hear when people say they can’t go to the gym.

I get it… People are busy

I literally work in a gym and some days I have too much on to get my training in

But did you know what people do have time for?

Social media…

The average Australian spends 340 minutes per week on social media

Let that sink in nearly 6 hours a week

You know how much training you can get done in that time?

If you haven’t been training much…

The answer is probably twice as much as you could recover from right now

You don’t need that much time to train… sure the extra time would be nice

We have clients that we only see twice a week that get incredible results for their time commitments

It just comes down to when you have limited time you need to cut out the fat on the unnecessary things in your training


You can’t AFFORD it!

Gym memberships are expensive…

Eating healthy can be expensive…

We’ve heard all these before but you know what we often find?

Most people who invest in their health and fitness make similar incomes to those who find it too expensive

Want to know what the difference is?

The people who invest in it view it as a priority. I remember one of my mentors saying…

“If you want to know what someone’s priorities are… Look at their calendar and their bank statements”

A lot of people who view investing in their health and fitness as being too expensive don’t want the results any less than the people who do

They just want it less than they want to spend $200 at Finnegans on Saturday night

If you want something bad enough you will make it work.

I remember when we were working towards opening up Newstrength, I decided to invest in a business coaching program that was over a third of my wage every week.

Sure there was some weeks when I was scratching for cash. But knowing we were going to reach our goals and being able to create the life I wanted for myself was way more important than having money in the bank or going out for dinner and drinks every week.


Your Not Willing To CHANGE!

This is the biggest reason why you shouldn’t join a gym…

If you don’t want to become a fitter, stronger, happier version of yourself

Don’t worry about it then

But be honest here…

If you could improve everything in your life from relationships, your health, performance, resiliency, environment and open yourself up to experience new adventures then would you?

If you say yes to that then trust me…

Joining a small community gym like what we have here at Newstrength can help you do that!

Staying doing what you’re doing right now won’t help you get there

Training will open your life up to so much more…

But you have to let it

Get out of your own way

Get started now with our 30 Day Pass for $97

Just leave us your details and our team will be in touch…