Rest Up… Even If You Don’t Want To

Rest Up… Even If You Don’t Want To

Just finished your coffee and feel like you’re still ready for a nap? Yep that’s often me too… And if you’re like me you’re probably trying to push yourself hard both in the gym and outside of it too. Unfortunately, there is only so far you can push like that before...
Fitness Shortcuts To Success

Fitness Shortcuts To Success

Everyone is looking for shortcuts to getting results fast… How to biohack their life to get leaner, stronger and fitter. We all know that there really isn’t any shortcut besides showing up, doing the work and eating appropriately for your goals. But there is one...
The Simplest Effective Fat Loss Plan You Could Do

The Simplest Effective Fat Loss Plan You Could Do

Going back to October last year I got a DEXA scan. If you don’t know what it is, think those in body scan things but actually accurate (let’s not get into my thoughts about those things now though). As most people do, I thought I was leaner than what the results came...
Handing Over The Sword

Handing Over The Sword

Years ago in Japan the Samurais would celebrate a young man’s coming of age and becoming a samurai by presenting him with his sword. To the young man, this sword was a sign of respect from his teachers. A symbol that they believed that he had what it takes to fight...
Need For Speed

Need For Speed

Footy season is back and it’s my favourite time of year to get out and watch some of our athletes mix it up on the field along with the incredible athletes in the NRL. The one thing that holds true every year at this time is Speed is King! The fastest players when...