Remember that old Chumbawumba song:
“I get knocked down but I get up again
You are never gonna keep me down”
Classic catchy song… Music’s just not the same anymore but let’s not get into that.
But the lesson behind it is really what matters. Chances are you’re gonna make mistakes, fail and fall down.
What matters is how long you let it hold you down. Sunday I broke my commitment to 30 days straight of the daily blog on day 28 of 30. I was competing at a strongman event and the day ran longer than expected leaving me choosing not to post the blog after 10pm.
My priority today was making sure that no matter what happened I got straight back into momentum and start again on the 30 days. Follow this up with a website crash yesterday stopping me from uploading this last night and you can easily see how much sometimes life just doesn’t want to be in your corner.
Funnily enough this played out exactly the same as my competition Sunday. I went into the first event expecting to do well, ended up making a mistake and had to reset and come out with a win in the second event to keep my chances alive.
That’s exactly what I did too with a solid performance in the remaining events to finish in first place.
When it comes down to it, it’s not about trying to avoid getting knocked down. It’s about how good you are at getting back up again.
Sylvester Stallone puts it better than anyone else in Rocky 6.
“It’s not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward… Nobody hits harder than life”