Not Getting Stronger? What To Do Before You Throw Your Program Out

Feel like your putting in the effort in the gym but not getting the results you want?
It must be your program, right?
It has to be it’s fault your not getting stronger…
I’ve been here before and if you’ve trained for a reasonable amount of time you probably have too. It’s not the funnest place to be, no matter how hard you try you just can’t get over that hump.
Don’t be worried we see this all the time with many guys and girls and guess what?
You don’t have to chuck out your program and start again…
Most of the time we find it comes down to at least one of these two things:
  1. You’re not actually following your program
  2. You don’t take your recovery as serious as you take training

Just Follow The Program Properly

The biggest problem with programs isn’t in the actual program itself… It’s that most people don’t follow the program. I’ve seen this before with programs I’ve handed out in the past, one week in and I check in with them and it goes something along these lines:
“How’d you go with this weeks workouts?”
“Yeh really good… I decided I wanted to add an extra bench day and take out the little stuff at the end because I’m not as good at that.”
Remember this is week one… four weeks in and the program barely resembles what it started as.
Now this isn’t just a bitch at how people follow programs… I’ve been on both sides of this as well. Thinking I would change the program to make it better for me and in the end not getting the results that I was after in the first place.
After this point I went back and followed the program as planned from the start and got exactly what I was aiming for out of it.
The main lesson here is if your not getting what you want out of it…
Make sure you are actually doing it properly before you make a judgement on if it works for you.

Train Hard, Recover Hard

So you put in all your effort at the gym but as soon as your session ends you just leave it up to your body to get you stronger?
There’s two main pieces of recovery that make the biggest difference… Nutrition and Sleep!
Do you think that you can get strong eating like a pigeon?
Can you recover between big sessions on 4-5 hours of sleep a night?
Will your pre-workout and 20 minute foam roller session change that?
These questions have pretty clear answers… NO
We find guys and girls all the time who are convinced they have to eat ‘clean’ to get fit, healthy and strong. Most of the time when they get stuck with their lifts the solution is more calories, more carbs.
A lot of the time they freak out a bit at first…
“You want me to eat how much!”
But in a matter of weeks their lifts start improving again, they get leaner, build muscle and feel great.
Now this isn’t going to get into the low carb or low fat debate. But to put it simply
Most people expect their body to do more, while giving it less.
You can’t expect for your body to get stronger, fitter, build muscle and drop body fat all at once while you aren’t even giving it enough food to feed your dog.
On the sleep side of things it’s pretty simple… Sleep more, sleep better. If you can’t get your 7-8 hours a night, have a nap sometime.
Forget about this hustle and grind everyday rubbish… Sleep is for the strong!

Eat Better, Sleep Better, Get Stronger

Having the most hardcore training program doesn’t get you anywhere if you can’t recover from it…
Training is about stressing the body enough to cause a supercompensation response making you stronger.
Somewhere along the lines we started focusing too much on making the stress bigger with harder workouts.
But we stopped giving attention to what you need to bounce back from those workouts.
Bottom line is you need to eat better and sleep better if you want to be better!