#1 Fat Loss Mistake I hear Daily…




The #1 Mistake Most of us make when we are trying to lose weight.



Here it is…



“I Eat Pretty Healthy, But Can’t lose any weight?”







Another Favourite of mine



“My Diet Isn’t THAT Bad”






I’m not blaming you for making this mistake but I Certainly will blame you if you continue to make this mistake after reading this piece.

My Name is Nathan Mandeno.

I’m the owner of Newstrength

I am loving Husband and Father

I also help people move, look and feel their best.

I’d like to think that after an entire decade and 1000’s of people helped that I’m actually pretty damn good at it.




There’s something that so many get wrong and I don’t want you to be one of them.

So this ones for you.

When I hear the following…

“Nath, I eat pretty healthy but I just can’t seem to lose the weight I want.”

I know we are about to break some beliefs.

Two things to rip apart here and educate you on so you never have to make this mistake again.



Breaking Down The Honest Mistake So Many Make.



Now if I said

“I work hard and I don’t spend too much but I can’t seem to save enough money for my holiday”

I’m sure you would say…

“ Well have you done a budget where you look at your income Vs your Spendings? “

I reply “Look, I work really hard though and I don’t really want to do that”

You’d say “ Yeah, I get it. But do you at least know how much you earn?”

I Respond “ Well no I don’t. But I’m working hard!”

Now you see. You couldn’t really blame me for this could you?

I’m a very innocent man who is just missing some important pieces to the puzzle with the right attitude.

Now that’s probably you and every other person that says “ I eat healthy and can’t lose weight”

Honest hard work is your “pretty good” Diet and your holiday is your fat loss.

Now, the holiday man (ME) is either putting away $100.00 a week to save $5200.00 this year for his holiday or he isn’t. NO amount of Hard work can change this objective fact.





If you are losing weight you are either in a caloric deficit or you are not.

No good foods, bad foods or training effort is the key.

It either is or it isn’t.

There is no room for subjective measures like a pretty good diet or a hard day’s work.

You either made the money and it’s placed away or you didn’t.

You either managed your calories and remained in a deficit week to week or you did not.

Before anyone says anything


Effort and honest work could lead to a pay rise which results in the amount needed


Yes, some healthier options day to day MAY lead to the caloric deficit needed to lose your desired amount of weight.


They are both MAYBE because they’re both subjective terms that do NOT guarantee results and therefore shouldn’t be your measuring stick.





When it comes to Getting great results it starts with a solid of what matters and a nutrition protocol relevant for your goals that you can adhere to. If you don’t have this in place, no matter how much subjective hard work you do, you will fail to see the results you want.

We know there’s an overwhelming amount of “Pros” telling you what you SHOULD be doing but I’m here to give you what I learnt over a decade in a short practical piece.


Avoiding this common mistake is a fast way to ensure you can prioritise your focus whilst maximising fat loss. If you’re serious about losing weight for good, then try to avoid this at all costs.


I’ve given you what you need to get the results you want.(Honestly That is it. Do that one thing and you will lose weight)  But if you have any questions, or you’re like most people and would like our help implementing this information to get back to looking and feeling your best contact us today.


Even better, for a limited time we’re offering non members a 30-minute 100% FREE Strategy session

Where we’ll discuss your fitness goals, challenges and draw up a plan to best suit your schedule and maximise results.

You will be speaking with myself, not a salesman trying to cram you into a room full of sweaty people and tell you to eat more broccoli. So please respect the value of this meeting and my time.