I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

But It’s just not it and It’s just not HIIT.


We’ve all heard about HIIT Training. 

The Bang for your buck workout that is commonly delivered to 15-25 people in a small room with minimal equipment and minimal rest. The heart rates go up and perceived effort is high. Scientifically proven and a great tool for busy people. High Results, High Effort and done in minimal time…

Well that sounds great 


Here’s the truth that may shock you

This isn’t High Intensity Interval Training. 



So What Is HIIT?


Lets Learn a Little about HIIT ( The real one) 

HIIT was initially used for aerobic modalities, but can also be done utilising body weight or resistance exercises under the correct format.

HIIT is done at a maximum effort.

If you are rating effort on a 0 (no effort) to 10 (max effort), then you are working at 8 or higher minimum

Maximum Effort with Maximum output is HIIT training and to allow this to happen repeatedly over a span of time there must be adequate rest.

This is what the research is derived from. 


45 seconds on 15 seconds off…

At a minimum we would be looking at 1-1 work to rest ratios here. For example if my effort burst was a minute in length. At minimum my rest would be a minute. Generally speaking even this will not be enough rest to maintain outputs this high. I’d start with a 2:1 ratio to test the waters pending your exercise selection

( That’s Double the rest to work).

So what’s the big deal if we don’t rest? 

here’s the deal

So let’s say you are in a class doing 40 seconds on 20 seconds off in your “HIIT ” Session. 

Outputs and efforts start high


This will drop quickly under these time intervals and your “HIIT” training soon turns into circuit training and whilst this is a great tool it is NOT HIIT Training.

All the science backed evidence no longer applies and in you’re now doing circuit training. 

With this new information I’m sure you are thinking of multiple HIIT workouts that are NOT HIIT workouts at all and you may have even been sold on this idea but soon realised you didn’t get that fit nor did you get that strong. w

Too often people are performing Circuits that are sold with all the science backed results of HIIT Training. 


I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news.


But It’s just not it and It’s just not HIIT.



In Conclusion


When it comes to choosing an exercise program that’s appropriate and effective it starts with a solid understanding of yourself and your goals.

If you don’t have this in place, no matter how hard you work, you will fail to see results repeatedly. We’ve helped hundreds of people look and feel their best by focusing on what training is most appropriate for their goals, schedules and body.


Choosing an appropriate exercise program for you is the only way to ensure you can maximise your time in the gym and increase physical health.       

I’ve given you some information that I bet has been eye opening. But if you have any questions, or would like our help on navigating any of the above, please reach out. 

I love helping people navigate all the misleading information in the fitness and health industry to finally get the results they want MOST.

It’s what I do best.
