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The back injury that saved my life (part 2)

The back injury that saved my life (part 2)

PART TWO – THE PITS    I’m not about to give you a spiel coated in toxic positivity about how I got back to where I am now because it was so f*cking hard.  It was probably one of the most depressive states I have ever been in, on par, if not worse than when...
The back injury that saved my life (part 1)

The back injury that saved my life (part 1)

Sounds dramatic, I know, but it was life changing. Which sounds again, dramatic, and a bit cliche but now I actually get what it means to really to hit rock bottom.    PART ONE – THE FALL Let’s rewind back to April 2023…    I was the strongest...
4 Costly Mistakes that STOP results

4 Costly Mistakes that STOP results

Ever felt so inspired to achieve a goal that you were ready to move mountains? Ever relied on that feeling. Only taking action when it’s present? I used to It never works and it only leaves disappointment After working closely with thousands of people for over a...
5 Assistance lifts to PR your squat

5 Assistance lifts to PR your squat

When it comes to building up your squat I’ve spent many years learning the ropes, I’ve followed nearly every program out there in the last 10 years. Wendler 5/3/1, yep.Juggernaut Method, yep.Conjugate, yep.5×5, yep.Squat Everyday, yep. Over that time one of the...